Anchoring in La Paz  and the Waltz

For information about restricted anchoring zones in the Espiritu Santos National Park including the islands of Espiritu Santos, Isla La Partida and Los Islotes see our Islands page.

Anchoring in the bay of La Paz is a unique experience due to occasional strong winds and opposing tidal currents.

The Waltz

The effect of the wind and tide on boats anchored in the bay has been dubbed "The La Paz Waltz". It is important to assure that your boat has adequate swinging room between you and your neighbor. Most maintain twice the swinging room as usual. Bow and stern anchoring is impossible. Also be aware that there are many boats on moorings with minimal swing. Be sure not to anchor near an empty mooring ball as someone will undoubtedly be back soon. It is advisable that you re-anchor once a week to be certain your chain has not become entangled with your anchor while waltzing around.

Sandbar & Channels

There are two channels in the bay with a very shallow sandbar (gold line on the map) between them and one connecting channel. The first (or main La Paz channel) runs from the northern La Paz channel entrance (by Costa Baja) south to the Navy Base. The second (or north) channel runs along the Mogote Peninsula side of the bay and ends at Marina Fonatur and boatyard. To enter the second channel on the Mogote side follow the line on the map from the green A (24° 09.802N, 110° 19.356W) to the green B (24° 09.934’N, 110° 19.524’W). Or when coming down the main channel turn at the bifurcation buoy keeping it to starboard, keep the next red buoy to starboard and then take the green one to port as you turn down the channel.

Thanks to Shawn Breeding & Heather Bansmer and their invaluable Sea of Cortez: A Cruiser’s Guidebook for the waypoints!

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The most common anchoring areas are indicated by the pink numbers on the map:

  1. The City Waterfront - Watch the depth here.
  2. The Mogote - Be careful to only cross over the sandbar at the channel.
  3. The Sandbar - Anchor between the two channels on either side of the sandbar.
  4. The Boatyards & Navy Base - Do not crowd this area. There is no anchoring just outside the entrance to the boatyards and marinas. Often compromised vessels are brought into the boatyards and with the wind and tide often larger vessels have trouble maneuvering. Anchoring is not allowed in front of the Navy Base for ingress and egress of search and rescue vessels in emergencies.

No Anchor Zones

The following no anchor zones are indicated in blue on the map. We are all grateful for the privilege to anchor in the bay of La Paz. A privilege that could easily be revoked. Please be respectful of the anchoring areas. The Navy does not want to police our fleet and will close the anchorage to all.

Submerged Vessels

Don't tangle your ground tackle on the submerged vessels in the anchoring areas. These vessels are indicated on the map as white symbols with white letters and listed below:

Thanks to Alan & Robin on Sarah M and Paul on Seamentress for providing the Club with the locations.

Anchoring Fee

There is an anchoring fee in La Paz which you need to pay to API.

Anchor Lights

Anchor lights are required in the bay. Additional lights are strongly encouraged at deck level.

Dinghy Dock

Marina de La Paz offers the use of their dinghy dock to the fleet for day use only at 600 pesos per month or 30 pesos per day. The fee includes use of the water spigot located on the dinghy dock and trash disposal. The shower facility is available at 20 pesos per use. Pay for both at the Marina de La Paz office.
The dinghy dock to the left of the water dock is for shorter inflatables. Tie your dinghy up bow in and tight so others can get behind the dinghies and to the back. If you tie your dinghy loose it will float to the center. Longer dinghies go to the dock on the right and can be on a longer painter.

Leaving Your Boat

If you elect to leave your boat at anchor for a period of time you are required by the Port Captain to designate someone to be responsible for your boat. This person or company must maintain the ground tackle and have the ability to relocate the vessel if necessary. See Boat & Yacht Management in the Cruiser Guide for some local companies.

Anchoring Systems

Here is a word on anchoring systems in La Paz and all of Mexico by Rich Boren of La Paz Cruiser's Supply.