Vessels Checking In and Out of La Paz
Boater's Guide
Click here for the Mexico tourism boater's guide. The guide is not an official government document but may help you with the process of entering Mexico by sea. Some steps may be a little different in different areas.
Domestic Check In and Out
You are required to contact the Port Captain's office when arriving and departing the port area of La Paz, including any movement within the bay.
1. Vessels in the Anchorage
If you are arriving or departing from the anchorage hail the Port Captain on VHF Channel 16. He will ask you to switch to channel 14 and then ask (in Spanish):
- Boat Name
- Number of Passengers
- Where You are Going
- Where You are Coming From
In addition to checking in an out with the Port Captain's office you need to pay the fee to API for entering or exiting the port.
2. Vessels in a Marina
Notify the marina you are in that you are entering or exiting the port and they will notify the Port Captain for you. They also take care of all API fees. Check with your marina regarding your responsibility.
International Check In
If La Paz is your first port of entry in Mexico you must follow these steps:
- Check in with Immigration. They will stamp and date the passports for the captain and the crew. They will stamp your crew list, and give notice to the Department of Agriculture for the vessel inspection. This inspection may or may not take place.
- Next pay your port entry fee to API. When at the API office specify that you want a Certificate stating that you have paid your entry fee. The Port Captain may insist on this Certificate.
- Then go to the Port Captain’s office to obtain clearance and pay the port fee. Be sure to bring your crew lists and any papers showing compliance from Immigration and API. You will pay the port fee at a bank.
- All vessels are required to obtain a Temporary Import Permit at the first port of entry. This can be done online by following the instructions on this video supplied by Marina de La Paz. You may also get your TIP at the Banjercito Office in Pichilingue.
International Check Out
If you are planning to "Puddle Jump" across to French Polynesia and are hoping to obtain an extended (longer than three months) visa, the process is so much easier if you follow the step-by-step instructions on the migrations.brucebalan.com/for-sailors webpage. Click on “French Polynesia Long Stay Visa”. The information was written and contributed by Alene Rice & Bruce Balan on the s/v Migration.
Checking Out of La Paz
If you depart from La Paz to an international destination you will need to obtain clearance from the Port Captain. First visit the Port Captain's office and obtain the current Port Check Out Form and Zarpe Form (these are updated often by the Port Captain - we can't keep up!).
Complete the following forms:
- Crew List (print 3 originals)
- Port Check Out Form
- Zarpe
Next visit the following agencies in any order with the Port Captain last:
1. API
API is located on the Malecón at the municipal pier. API fees include entering and exiting the port as well as anchoring fees. See our API page for a description of fees charged. Fees are paid by the honor system but bring marina receipts just in case. When at the API office specify that you want a Certificate stating that no fees are owing to API (not just a receipt). The Port Captain may insist on this Certificate.
2. Immigration
The Immigration Office in La Paz is located at 1177 Olachea near the cross street Colosio, Garzas Agrícola. They are quite helpful and English is spoken. The office hours are 9 am to 2 pm. You will need your passport and the passports and visas (if applicable) for all crew members exiting the country with you. You will also need three original filled in crew lists. Print three copies of the blank Crew List form and fill out the three originals. They might also require the vessel registration or documentation and the vessel's Temporary Import Permit (TIP). You may be asked for photocopies of your passports, boat documents and TIP for their records. There are no fees at the Immigration office.
4. Port Captain
The Port Captain's office is located on Revolución #1935 between Guerrero & Militar. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. Bring the completed Port Check Out Form and Zarpe. You will be charged a check out fee depending on the weight of your boat. In 2016 the fee was $256 pesos for a vessel 3 to 20 tons and $385 pesos for 21 to 100 tons. If you check out after hours the fee is $770 pesos regardless of vessel tonnage. The Port Captain does not accept cash. You may pay by credit card or pay at a bank with the form provided and return to the Port Captain with proof of payment.
The Port Captain will need the following:
- Certificate from API stating no fees are owed
- Passports of Captain and Crew
- Three original stamped Crew Lists from Immigration
- Current Vessel Documentation or Registration
- A fully completed Port Check Out Form and Zarpe
- Proof of Payment of the Port Captain check out fee
Once You Have Received Your Final Check Out From the Port Captain
You Have 48 Hours to Leave the Country
If you will not be returning to Mexico you must cancel your Temporary Import Permit at the Banjercito Office in Pichilingue.
Please be aware that crew flying into Mexico via Tijuana and walking across the CMX bridge do need to stop into immigration to obtain their immigration stamp on their passport..
If you find a procedure that is incorrect or has changed since this printing please email the club.