Cruising the Sea of Cortez
Compiled by Alex and Sue on MV Maitairoa from personal experiences and the knowledge base of many cruisers over the years.
The Sea of Cortez, also known as the 'Gulf of California', is amazing in so many different ways. From the abundance of sea life to the clarity of the waters, the Sea of Cortez is host to amazing fishing, scuba diving, beautiful views, and more. The late legendary diver Jacques Cousteau once described the Sea of Cortez as the "world's aquarium" and the "Galapagos of North America".
This brief introduction to “Cruising” the Sea of Cortez will give you a basic understanding of what to expect and how to better prepare for it. It would take a book to go through all of the anchorages and available services. It is based on our own experiences as well as the experiences of many cruisers, who contributed either directly or indirectly over the years to this subject.
The guide is divided into three sections:
General Preparation and Availability of Services in The Sea of Cortez
Major Anchorages Between La Paz and Bahia de Los Angeles With The Optional Trip to San Felipe
Sea of Cortez Weather, Tropical Weather, Hurricanes and Hurricane Preparedness
For your convienence and for viewing when away from internet access this series may be downloaded and saved to your computer by clicking on the links below.
Files, charts and maps referred to within the series may be downloaded and saved by clicking below.
- Street Map of Loreto
- Street Map of Santa Rosalia
- Store Map of Bahia de Los Angeles
- Dive Sites We've Enjoyed by Jay and Janice, S/V Ceilidh (K-Lee)
- Super Secret Incredible Free Fishing Lure
- Summer in the Sea with Pets by Janice of the SV Ceilidh
- Harbor Chart of Santa Rosalia
- Chart of Bahia de Los Angeles
- Storm Anchoring by Carolyn Shearlock on SV Que Tal
- Riding out Marty at Anchor by Carolyn Shearlock on SV Que Tal
- A Guideline for Hurricane Preparedness by Archie on SV Sea-Tacean
"Cruising the Sea of Cortez" has been compiled by Alex and Sue on M/V Maitairoa
To keep this series updated for future cruising generations please email mvmaitairoa@gmail.com
with your suggestions, corrections, additions and deletions.