Resources for Ham Radio License Exams
The following is a list of links to resources available for preparing to take the U.S. FCC Amateur Radio License examination for Technician, General, and Amateur Extra. Many of the resources are free, while others are commercial products.
These links are provided as a starting point in finding study materials. When choosing a study guide or practice exam make sure it covers the examination question pool that is currently valid, or will be valid on the date you take the exam.
Remote Testing
You may choose to take a remote US Amateur Radio License Exam. Since the lock-downs with COVID-19 started the world of Amateur Radio testing has nearly turned on its head. Fully remote examinations are a well defined thing — and still following all of the same rules and regulations as in-person testing have followed for years. Get all the information here and to find an exam session, go to here.
Current Examination Question Pools:
Study Guides:
Many books and Kindle resources are available - be sure to check dates before purchasing.