Health and Well Being
Living on the Sea of Cortez brings it's medical challanges. Browse through these articles for some helpful hints on staying healthy.

Donating Blood
In an emergency or if a person is having surgery in La Paz the fleet will often be asked to donate blood. These requests will be made on the morning VHF net. You will be directed to a particular hospital and donations must be made under the name of the patient. The requirements Read More...

My Health History
Software designed by Club Cruceros member David on s/v Questor the My-Health-History App records your systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart pulse rate, your glucose (sugar) level, your weight, and notes from the data you enter. You obtain the data from your health data measuring devices. The App provides a graphical plot of the data and a statistical data graphic plot. You can use the plots to monitor the effectiveness of your medication that you can record in the notes. The App comes with sample data to aid you in learning how to use it. Read More...

Strokes - How to Recognize Them
Stroke - Remember the first three letters - STR: S - Ask the individual to Smile; T - Ask the person to Talk and speak a simple sentence coherently like, "It is sunny out today"; R - Ask him or her to Raise both arms Read More...
Food & Water Precautions
Following strict food and water precautions while traveling in a developing country will decrease your risk of illness and disease. If food is thoroughly cooked and served hot, you can generally consider it safe. As a rule, eat hot food hot, and cold food cold Read More...

Sting Ray Injuries
While sailing in the Sea of Cortez, I have been surprised at the number of cruisers who have been stung by stingrays. Since there seems to be a variety of treatment opinions, I thought I would present the latest information regarding stingrays and stingray injuries Read More...

Rehydration Drink
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides this general formula for preparing you own rehydration beverage. - 1/2 teaspoon Salt - 2 Tablespoons Sugar - 1 quart water. "WHO" says that these measurements are very important Read More...
Medical Terms & Translations in Spanish
Here are Three Websites to Help You With Your Spanish - Spanish Dict; Rocket Languages; Duolingo. The Following is a List of Some Useful Words and Phrases: Nunca = Never, Una vez = One time, Muchas veces = Many times Read More...

Fish & Shellfish Poisoning
Since seafood is frequently a staple for cruisers, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with eating fish and shellfish. Parasites can be found in uncooked fish such as in sashimi and sushi. Toxins contained in certain fish or shellfish have Read More...
Traveller's Diarrhea
Traveler's diarrhea is the most common type of diarrhea that affects those who travel from countries with good hygiene to countries (usually developing countries) that have less developed public sanitation and hygiene. It is also thought that traveler's diarrhea can be caused by the introduction of Read More...

First Aid Alternatives
These alternatives are only suggestions. You will have to decide what works for you. My Medicine Bag: Vitamin C, Echinacea, Aloe Vera/Vitamin E, Nutribiotic/Grapefruit seed extract (never use full strength - internal/external uses). Motion Sickness = Ginger, Pressure point Read More...