Importing Boat Parts
You may import parts for the repair or maintenance of your vessel without paying duty. The items need to be equipment for the boat or for its repair or maintenance. These items must be identified, with make, model number and serial number if there is one.
Consumables like oil, nuts & bolts, tape, varnish, cleaners, may not be imported duty free. Also anything that is not a boat part and is not personal effects (clothes, lap top, camera, fishing rods) must be declared at the point of entry and duty paid.
The importation must be done at the point the goods enter the country. This could be where you drive your car across the border, or at the airport. If the part comes on a direct flight from USA, or if it stops in Guadalajara or Mexico City the point of entry is where the plane first touches down.
The following is the present procedure for importing equipment, parts and materials. Rules change quite often so be sure to review the procedure with customs and the Banjército office. Also each Customs port, even each official, may do things differently.
Arriving at the Mexican Border by Car
When you cross the border have:
- A copy of your Temporary Import Permit (TIP)
- A copy of the filled out Banjército importation form
- Copies of the invoices of the equipment you are importing, with make, model, serial numbers, description of the merchandise.
- A letter from your marina vouching that the goods are for a vessel in that marina is not mandatory but may help.
Merchandise Shipped Direct to La Paz by Air
Items must be picked up by the owner or skipper of the vessel.
- Get the Cargo Manifest from the customs cargo office at the airport. While you are there get all the serial numbers and information about the part if you don't have it.
- Go to the Banjército office and have them fill out the Banjército form.
Bring the following to the Customs Office on the 5th of Febrero between Durango & Mexico:
- Two copies of your TIP
- One copy of the Cargo Manifest
- Original and one copy of the third party voucher if applicable
- Two copies of the invoice for the part
In one to three days the office will issue you a letter to present to the Customs official at the airport instructing them to inspect the merchandise and release it to you if all is in order.
Merchandise Sent by Overnight or Express Mail
Deal directly with the company. DHL seems to be the most informed in our area.
- Go to the Banjército office where they will fill out the Banjército import form for you.
- Send to the person shipping the goods a copy of your TIP and a copy of the Banjército form. These documents need to be taped to the exterior of the package.
- When the package is sent get the tracking number from the sender.
- If you use DHL they have one person in charge of importing. Their Mexico hub is in Guadalajara where all goods are imported. When you receive the tracking number call or email it to the person in charge of importing. They need the tracking number before the item arrives in Guadalajara so they can remove the package from normal processing and give it Temporary Import treatment. You may want to contact the person in charge of importing prior to shipment go over the procedure with them.
- If you use another express freight company find out where their import hub is and who you should contact regarding setting up the importation and their procedure.
You should not have to pay any taxes or extra fees for items imported in this manner. If all is set up correctly in the beginning there should be no delay.
Procedures change often so be sure to ask for latest procedure before you start.
You can get help from Lizeth at the Banjército office at the ferry terminal in Pichilingue. She speaks excellent English. According to Lizeth you go to her office with your TIP and as much information you can get on each item to be imported such as invoices, model numbers, description, and type. She fills out the importation form with all of the information and stamps it. If you have quite a few items or unusual items Lizeth recommends you first visit the customs office to see how they would like the items listed. Lizeth also said they will want to know what you will do with the broken part. She recommends you state you are planning to take it out of the country. Her office is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 7-3, Tuesday & Thursday 7-6, and Sunday 8:30-4:30. There is a bus to Pichilingue from the bus depot on the Malecón.

You should keep copies of all paperwork as they may be required when your boat checks out of Mexico.
Here is more information and a form to download: Import Explanation in Spanish and then in English, Import Form
Here is some updated information from Rich Boren of La Paz Cruiser's Supply:
"Having a USCG Doc Boat with a TIP does not free you from the 16% IVA Tax when bringing boat parts into Mexico, unless it is a serialized part and you have gone to the Aduana in Mexico for the paperwork BEFORE you bring the part into Mexico. So when flying/driving/walking across the border you deal with the Red Light (they inspect you) or Green Light (you walk through) situation. Each person is allowed to carry an amount of items (I believe $500) across without the 16% Tax. So if found in a "red light check", the agents can assess a value to your products and have you pay the 16%. So have receipts. Now, I carried down an alternator and the agent asked what the value was and I responded $150. He then pulled out his smart phone and in perfect English said: "that model is for sale for $650 at Defender on the internet" so go pay the 16% tax over at the window and we will forget about the other items in your bag".
Rich Boren
March 2021