Club Cruceros Blood Bank
Club Cruceros, working with the Blood Bank in La Paz, has set up a blood bank for Club Cruceros members and the fleet. When you need blood you will be able to draw from this bank. When you give blood you will need to specify that the blood is to be allocated for the Club Cruceros Blood Bank.
We will have two blood drives a year in April and in November. The drives will be conveniently located in the Vista Room at Marina de La Paz. The nurses from the blood bank will be there to draw your blood. Sign up with Cindy at La Paz Yachts in the Marina de La Paz facility.
You may also donate at the Blood Bank (Centro Estatal de Transfusión Sanguinea) on Nicolás Bravo 1010 between Dominguez and Verdad. Donors are accepted between 8 am and 1:30 pm Monday through Friday and from 8 am to 4:30 pm Saturday, Sundays and holidays. Don't forget your photo ID and be sure to tell them the blood is to go to the Club Cruceros Bank.
You can donate if you…
- Weigh at least 110 pounds
- Are at least 4’11” high
- Are between 18 and 65 years old
- Have not donated in at least 8 weeks
- Have had no alcohol or medications in the last 48 hours (if taking medication inform the medic)
- Have no cavities
- Have had no more than 3 pregnancies
- Slept 6 consecutive hours
- Arrive with an empty stomach (only liquids/juice)
You cannot donate if…
You have the following history
- Genital herpes
- High risk sexual practices
- Cancer or diabetes
- Paid donors
- Intravenous drug use
- Malaria in the last 5 years
- Hepatitis at any stage in life
- Heart problems (insufficiency, hypertension, attacks)
- Epilepsy or convulsive crisis
- You have infection symptoms (diarrhea, fever, cough, flu)
- You are a pregnant or lactating women
- Have active allergies
In the Last Year
- Had syphilis or gonorrhea
- Been in contact with a person with hepatitis
- Had gamma-globulin applied
- Had tattoos, acupuncture or diverse punctures/piercings
- Had blood transfusions or derivates
- Received an organ transplant
In the last 6 months
- Have had major surgery (3 months for minor surgery)
In the last 28 days
- Had smallpox, measles, tetanus, or rubella shots
In the last 72 hours
- Have had a dental extraction