Club Cruceros Wi-Fi
One of the treasured benefits of Club Cruceros membership is the free Wi-Fi at the clubhouse. Each member is allowed two devices such as a computer, smart-phone, iPad or tablet on the system. Wi-Fi is unlimited and the signal is great.
The Wi-Fi is provided by Marina de La Paz and we thank them for this fabulous benefit to membership in the Club.
If you have no clue about what we are talking about below but want internet the IT guy at Marina de La Paz is ready to help you. For a small fee he will get you hooked up to our network. He can also help you through any and all of your computer issues including an upgrade of your old & slow computer. He can even hook you up with a device for your computer for only $33 to get a faster and better WiFi connection. Email Mario at m_carballo@yahoo.com.
To Get Hooked Up You Have To Do a Couple Things:
1. Click Here to Find your wifi MAC Address
The biggest thing is finding your wifi MAC address. Every device (computer, smart phone, tablet) has a unique MAC address. Knowing the MAC address of Wi-Fi users allows the Club to limit those connected. Once a users membership expires or the member moves on the Club will remove the MAC address from the system. We must do this because we are allowed a limited number of devices on the system. It is a benefit to all users because with less devices using the system there is more bandwidth and thus faster connection speeds for all.

All members MAC addresses are only accessible by the Wi-Fi Manager and are kept confidential.
For help locating your MAC address see our instruction page or search the internet if your device is unique.
When you locate your MAC address, copy and paste if you can, otherwise carefully put it into the form. Depending on the font used, certain characters can look very similar. For instance, B, 3, 8 might be easily confused. The network will check the registered address against the address your computer sends to the network so it has to be exactly the same.
2. Fill Out the Form
Scroll Down... you are not done till you hit Submit!
Your MAC addresses(s) will be usually be put into the system within 24 hours. When you are near the clubhouse join either the “clubcruceros” or “clubcruceros5” Wi-Fi networks. Use the password ccruceros. Be sure to use all lower case for the password.
Need help? Email the Club at crucerosdelapaz@gmail.com