Visiting Yachtsmen
Club Cruceros is located in the bay of La Paz at:
24° 9'15.76"N
Club Cruceros honors reciprocity with all yacht clubs in the US and worldwide. The heart of our club is in the camaraderie and activity of members. At coffee hour visitors from all yacht clubs, arriving by boat or car, join friends for a morning around the patio. At pot lucks and events visitors feel right at home among members and their guests.
Club Cruceros has no moorage facilities for visiting yachtsmen but you may find moorage at the following neighboring marinas. Current contact information can be found in our Service Directory.
- Marina de La Paz
- Marina Don Jose
- Marina Palmar
- Marina Cortez
Or you may choose to anchor. Varying depths, restricted areas, and the La Paz waltz create potential hazards. If you are unfamiliar with the anchorage check this page for a little guidance. There you will also find information about use of the dingy dock, water and showers.
We offer all visiting yachtsmen the use of our clubhouse, it's lending library, ships store, VHF and mail service. Or accept this invitation to become a member. For only $10 USD (if you join on line) or 200 pesos you can help to support the club and it's many endeavors.
Any questions? Email the club or contact any board member by VHF channel 22