Charity Fund Distribution
The Club Cruceros Charity Committee vets local charities and brings recommendations to the Board of Directors. Each year the Club finds a wide variety of ways in which to help. Each month, each season, brings new opportunities to lend a helping hand, and the club rises to the occasion, time and again.
2023-2024 Season
The Charity Committee is excited to report that this year, Club Cruceros was able to assist nine different organizations.

$159,932 MXN. By the application deadline date of February 1, 2024, we had received 15 applications. The charity committee vigorously vetted each program and determined how we could make the biggest impact with the funds raised by the club. The following is a list of those we selected that were approved by the board on March 12, 2024.
1. Mama Benita $17,000 MXN
This is a shelter that houses and feeds women and their children who are escaping domestic violence. They also provide services for elderly and terminally ill people who have no family or shelter. The facility was badly in need of repair, so we purchased paint materials and roofing materials. This year, funds are being used to purchase a badly needed washing machine.

2. Destino School of Beauty $20,632 MXN
This is an organization started and run by a retired Vidal Sasson-trained hairstylist. She provides six-months of training and a certification to students at no charge to them. Job training of this type has the potential to change the trajectory of an entire family’s life. Allocated funds for Destino School of Beauty are being used to purchase two hairstyling chairs, several trolleys, and hairstyling cutting tools.
3. School Uniforms for Impoverished Children $17,500 MXN

For children to attend school in Mexico, it is necessary for them to wear school uniforms, which must be purchased by the family. Uniforms cost roughly $5,000 MXN, a cost that is prohibitive to many low-income families. The purchase of these uniforms provides access to education that may not otherwise be available to the children we assisted.

4. Fundación Astra $34,000 MXN
This program provides families with a holistic approach to healthcare and well-being, creating a stronger, more resilient, and more independent community. The funds gifted are specifically being used to provide vitamins for 40 undernourished children for 4 months and art therapy for 50 at-risk teens.

5. Pro Paramedicos $20,000 MXN
This organization began during the height of the pandemic, assisting paramedics with badly needed supplies. The all-volunteer paramedic staff relies on donations to keep them operating. Most outlying communities surrounding La Paz have only one ambulance, and when that ambulance is out of service, the community has nothing. Pro Paramedicos owns two ambulances that they loan to communities in need. The funds distributed will help to maintain the loaner ambulances.
6. Mar Libre $20,000 MXN
Responsible for beach and mangrove clean-up; ocean floor debris removal; derelict boat removal; and marine pollution awareness and education in the community and local schools. This all-volunteer organization is invaluable to the La Paz community. The funds are being used to pay honorariums to teachers for educating students in local schools.

7. Voluntarias Vicentinas Centro #2 $8,000 MXN
This organization assists the elderly, disabled, and terminally ill with meals, medicine, and medical supplies. They provide home visits, offer rides to doctor appointments, and sit with them if they are hospitalized. They will use the funds to help pay for medicine, medical supplies, and food.
8. Rancho el Camino $17,800 MXN
Working directly with Mexican government agencies, this program helps children with needs ranging from autism, CP, and physical and mental handicaps. Children who would otherwise fall through the educational cracks of the public school system. The funds allocated are being used to purchase two laptops, which will facilitate online high school education for eight students.

9. Baja Dogs $5,000 MXN

This organization is responsible for implementing monthly animal sterilization clinics all over the La Paz area at no charge to the client. The funds gifted will be used to help offer their services.
The Charity Committee wishes to recognize the generosity of the club members and friends who attended and contributed to the fund-raising events of the 2023/2024 season. We look forward to next season and hope to be able to continue to assist worthy causes through the kindness of our membership.
We are always open to more committee members. If you are interested in becoming a part of this active, fun, and committed team, please email Charity@clubcruceros.net.
2022-2023 Charity Fund Distributions
2016-2022 Charity Fund Distributions
2015-2016 Charity Fund Distributions
2014-2015 Charity Fund Distributions
To donate to these and other worthwhile charities click below to donate to the Club Cruceros Charity Fund.