For many years, the Club Cruceros Sea of Cortez Race Week was held at the islands off La Paz, marking the end of the winter cruising season. The last time a race week was held was in 2002. Not to be cheated out of a fiesta, Club Cruceros put together a new event, and Bayfest was born!
Bayfest typically takes place in early April and spans four days at La Costa Restaurant. It is mostly land-based, featuring informational seminars, hands-on workshops, a sailboat race, wine tasting, parties, dinners, dances, and games. Something for everyone.
You can buy tickets for dinners and other events at the clubhouse during morning coffee. Inside the clubhouse are sign-up sheets, and you can grab a pocket-sized schedule to keep you on track. Most seminars, workshops, and games require you to sign up in advance. Some events and seminars have a limited number of attendees. Don’t procrastinate! The popular seminars and workshops will fill up quickly.

Quite a crowd at the clubhouse for Beer & Hot Dogs!
What should a well-dressed attendee wear to Bayfest? Sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses (you know the drill). And most importantly, this year’s unique, limited-edition upper body adornment, a Bayfest t-shirt. Men's and women's shirts will be sold on the club patio during coffee hour and, if there are any left, at Bayfest.
Here is the Bayfest 2024 Schedule:
Wednesday, April 3
10 am Cribbage
10 am - 4 pm Baja Rummy
1 pm Dominoes
3 - 5 pm Dinghy Poker Run at Marina de La Paz
5 - 7 pm 20 peso Beer and Free Hot Dogs & Chips at the Clubhouse
7 pm Raffle Drawing at the Clubhouse
Thursday, April 4
10 am Cribbage
10 am - 4 pm Baja Rummy
11 - 3:30 pm Sailboat Race “Rock to the Dock”
1 pm Dominoes
5 - 7 pm Wine Tasting at the Clubhouse
7 pm Raffle Drawing at the Clubhouse
Friday, April 5
9 am Bocce Ball
9 am Cribbage
9:30 - 11 The Baja Bash Seminar
9:30 - 11 Hurricane Preparation Seminar
11:30 am - 1 Conserving Sea Turtles In the Vista Room
11:30 am - 1 Ship it? Sell it? Delivery? Bash Alternatives
1:30 - 3 pm Knot Tying Workshop
1:30 - 3 pm Refrigeration 101 Seminar
1 - 4 pm Horseshoe Tournament
4 - 6 pm Happy Hour Drink Specials & Open Mic
6 - 8 pm Lasagna or Fish Dinner
7 pm Raffle Drawing
Saturday, April 6
9 - 11 am Mexican Cooking Seminar
9:30 - 11 am Watermaker 101
10 am - 2 pm Horseshoe
11:30 - 1 pm 3D Printing & Laser
Cutting On Board
11:30 - 1 pm Medical Directives
1:30 - 3:30 pm Outboard Service
1:30 - 3:30 pm Monkey’s Fist Keychain Workshop
4 - 6 pm Happy Hour Specials
6 - 9 pm Hawaiian Luau with
Pig Roast Dinner
and Hula Show
7 pm Raffle Drawing
Sunday, April 7
9 - 1 pm Bocce Ball
9 - 1 pm Cribbage
9 - 2 pm Dominoes
9:30 - 11 am Yoga & Meditation Workshop
9:30 - 11 am Fishing in the Sea
11:30 - 1 pm Medical Issues On Board
11:30 - 1 pm Customs & TIPs
1 - 3 pm Chili Cook Off
3 pm Final Awards, and Raffle Drawing
All Events Usually Take Place at La Costa Restaurant Unless Indicated
Special Bayfest Dining at La Costa
Breakfast - Served From 8 am to 11 am -
Special Breakfast Bayfest Menu Friday and Saturday plus a Sunday Brunch
Lunch - Served From 11 am to 2 pm
Order a Lunch Special or off the Regular Menu
Friday and Saturday Dinner
Reserve Early For Your Choice of Lasagna or Fish
Saturday Luau with Roast Pig
Game Rules
The following links explain the rules for some of the games at Bayfest:
Past Bayfests
Check out the photo albums from past Bayfest events: