VHF Marine Radio Procedures
In La Paz
The La Paz Port Captain has assigned VHF channel 22a to Club Cruceros and the cruising fleet as the local hailing channel.
After contacting your party switch to another channel for conversation. While out in the islands or away from La Paz continue to switch to another channel after hailing as the signal travels.
Avoid conversations on these channels:
- 09 Pemex
- 10 Mexican Navy
- 11 Mexican Navy
- 14 La Paz Port Captain
- 16 International Hailing Channel
- 22a La Paz Cruiser Hailing Channel
- 72 Local Fishermen
- 74 La Paz Ferry Terminal
- 83 Immigration
- 88 Customs
- 24-28 Duplex
- 84-86 Duplex
Duplex channels may be used if the party being called has duplex capabilities.
To Hail Another Vessel
- First find a clear "switch to" channel
- Call the vessel name twice on VHF Channel 22A (22A is for hailing only while in La Paz)
- State your vessel name once
- When the hailed party answers inform them of the predetermined clear "switch to" channel
- The hailed party then repeats the "switch to" channel
- Both parties change to the clear "switch to" channel for their conversation
- Wait two minutes before calling again if you received no response
VHF Notes
- The hailing vessel is responsible to choose and state a predetermined clear switch to channel
- Picking, trying, or offering several channels is poor radio etiquette, disrespectful to your fellow Mariner, and against FCC and SCT Regulations
- Calling a station and requesting that they pick a channel is also poor etiquette
- Moving up or down only one channel in a marina or crowded harbor will almost always cause interference, especially on high power, and sometimes even on low power
- Hold the mic away from your mouth for a clearer transmission
Emergency Call (Mayday)
- Mayday is spoken 3 times
- Your vessel name is then spoken 3 times followed by
- Mayday
- Your vessel position
- Nature of your distress
- The type of assistance you require
- Your vessel description
- Over
Urgency Call (Pan-Pan)
- Pan-Pan is spoken 3 times
- State All Stations
- State your Vessel Name 3 times
- State the urgent problem
- Vessel Position and Description
- Over