Thanksgiving Dinner
Held Annually on Thanksgiving Afternoon
The Thanksgiving Dinner has been an iconic event at Club Cruceros for many years. At one time upwards of 300 people enjoyed their holiday feast with us.
In 2018 we moved from our long-time location at Marina Palmira to La Costa Restaurant. The club provided the turkeys and the restaurant the side dishes.
For the more recent post-Covid Thanksgiving feasts La Costa Restaurant has provided the entire dinner.
What will happen for Thanksgiving Dinner in 2023? That is to be determined. Several models are being considered but we can guarantee this: There WILL be Turkey, and everyone will have a great time.
Watch our website and listen to the morning VHF Net on Channel 22A for details.
Check out the photos of some past Thanksgiving Dinners:
- 2018 Thanksgiving
- 2017 Thanksgiving
- 2016 Thanksgiving
- 2015 Thanksgiving
- 2014 Thanksgiving
- 2013 Thanksgiving
- 2011 Thanksgiving
- 2010 Thanksgiving
- 2009 Thanksgiving
See you there next year!
Listen to the morning VHF net at 8 am on channel 22 for up to date information just prior to the event.