FANLAP Subasta 2015
The major fundraising event for FANLAP is our annual Subasta. We feel it is very important to offer members of the community the opportunity to purchase quality used clothing and other items at a reasonable price. This has been an annual event where moms and dads bring their children to enjoy the day while FANLAP earns money.
Subasta 2015 took place this year on Sunday, December 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everyone agrees that the perfect location el Mangle is, located at the end of Calle Sinaloa. The result was much better than we dreamed possible (speaking for myself at least).
Thank you to our organizers, Mary Shroyer, Jean Wise, Carol Dyer, Andrea Gaume, Trini Rios, Julia Magallanes and Veronica Menchaca for the countless hours devoted before, during and after the event. A big thank you to Jean Wise, who was in charge of Subasta 2012 and 2013, for once again sharing her expertise. In addition to being in charge of raffle ticket sales, Jean also arranged for Sandy and John Elterich to head up the Bake Sale (always a big money-maker), and made numerous pleas for help, announcing the event to the boating community on the VHF radio.

Thank you to Carol Dyer who conducted the silent action. We weren’t sure if her ideas would work in La Paz, but they did. Everything was sold! Thank you to Erleen Whitney and Rhonda Jones for their help during the event, and to Max Winter, the silent auction cashier.
Thank you to John Ashman, who donated the use of his audio equipment and many hours of music from the 70’s and 80’s to delight the public.
Thank you to Sandy Elterich for heading up the bake sale, and to her helpers John Elterich, Lori Lillo and Christine Dowler. And thank you Susan Ross for helping at this and other areas where needed. We can’t forget all those who donated bake sale items to sell, thank you so much. I didn’t partake of my favorite chocolate pastries, but I understand everything was quite wonderful.
Another thank you to Jean Wise and her helpers, Shirleen Kisrow and Teri Hagen, who sold raffle tickets before and during Subasta. Thanks to those who purchased tickets, and a special thanks to those who put the name FANLAP to win if their tickets were drawn. FANLAP did win the first prize,which was more than 3,500 pesos!! That alone will send a student to school for a year.
We’re grateful to the worker bees, many of whom worked countless hours behind the scenes. Christina Campos and Michelle Martel began sorting clothes in January of 2014, and Michelle and Ruth Hemmer worked as cashiers at the event. Thank you Patsy Verhoeven for your hard work in the clothing booth.
We are most grateful to businesses that offered donations for our silent auction: Marina Costa Baja, Marina de La Paz, Hyatt Place Hotel, The Golf Club at el Mogote, The Dock Café, Big Rubys Cantina, Buceo Caray, Calipso Minimart, Casa Para, Casa Tuscany Bed and Breakfast, el Angel Azul Hacienda, las Gaviotas Resort, Tailhunter International, Pan d’Les, Red Travel Mexico, Se Habla….La Paz, Steinbeck’s at Costa Baja, Restaurante Zoe and Trocedero’s. We can’t forget Club Cruceros de La Paz; they made a donation to cover printing costs and other expenses for the event. Many of our worker bees are also members of Club Cruceros. We are grateful to all of you for your support; many of the businesses have donated to Subasta for many years.
Thank you to the following who had booths at the event and donated 25% of their earnings to FANLAP: la Neta Tacos, Trini Rios, Loving Company, Reyna Guadalupe Dominguez Beltran, Monserreth Ruiz Dominguez, Loving Company (Andrea Gaume Amao), Miguel Angel de la Cueva, Jaime Campos, Cristian Pena Covarrubias (La Parcela), Aida Verdugo and We Photography (and Santa Claus), Roberto Carlos Leon Sanchez, Roxana Tejero de la Valle, Betty Harmon, Norma Garcia, Monica Hernandez Lucio, Susana Pineda Mahr (Baja Wurst), Maria Lopez, Arely Salgado and Montserath Lluch Cota (Kettle Corn). A very special thank you to Dra. Laura Treviño Carrillo, General Director of the Sudcalifornia Board of Science and Technology for providing MUSCI (Museo Sudcaliforniano de Ciencia Itinerante), which is mobile unit with various interactive games.

Thank you to el Mangle, especially Mariana Flores, for offering such a great venue for this event. The Subasta took place 25 years at Marina de La Paz; we hope to have the FANLAP Subasta at el Mangle for at least 25 years.
We’re grateful for the help of Julia Magallanes. Not only did she handle th scholarship students who worked before, during and after the Subasta, but Julia was also the liaison between FANLAP and el Mangle. She also did a lot of work behind the scenes.
Twenty-eight scholarship students helped us this year as part of their agreement to perform community service in exchange for their scholarships. In the case of the Campa Rivas sisters, their parents also helped to set up the tables and chairs before the event. We’re grateful for your help.
Thank you once again to the radio program Panorama Informativo for the interview of Andrea Gaume Amao and Judy Peterson and for promoting Subasta 2015 to their listening audience.
Thank you, Tom Ireton, photographer extraordinaire, for once again taking such great pictures so we can preserve our memories.
Above all, thank you to the people who came to spend their money, and those who purchased raffle tickets or purchased items in the silent auction. We could not have done this without you.
The profits from this Subasta, a little more than 135,000 pesos, will be used to pay expenses for the dining room expenses from January through May of 2015 and for our scholarship program.
Accounting for Subasta 2015:
Deposit Before | $2,500.00 | 223.00 | Changed to Pesos | |
Deposit Before | $555.56 | |||
Total Deposited After | $123,070.00 | 100.00 | Donation Stormbird | |
To Deposit | $5,790.00 | |||
Dollars to Pesos | $3,345.00 | |||
Silent Auction | $40,300.00 | |||
Used Clothing | $29,190.00 | |||
Junk Table | $21,560.00 | |||
Bake Sale | $4,385.00 | |||
Water and Soft Drinks | $2,681.00 | |||
Raffle Ticket Sales | $7.340.00 | |||
Winning Ticket - Raffle | $3,670.00 | |||
Outside Vendors | $8.974.00 | |||
Donation Club Cruceros | $2,500.00 | |||
Various Other Donations | $14,660.56 | |||
TOTAL PESOS | $135,260.56 | $135,260.56 |
Don't miss the Club Cruceros Photo Gallery page of photos from Subasta 2015