Charity Fund Distribution
April 21, 2015
In a special email meeting the Board of Directors of Club Cruceros unanimously voted to donate funds to the following three charities:
More specifically:
- 2,000 pesos to K9 Ranch Perro animal shelter. This donation is for the purchase of dry dog food.
- 2,500 pesos to the Elder Care Facility (Asilo de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul) for boxed lactose free milk and to purchase additional adult diapers.
- 2,500 pesos to the Orphanage, Nuevo Creation. The donation is for dry goods including toilet paper and for food.
April 16, 2015
7 cases of adult size Depends were delivered by the Club Cruceros charity committee to the Elder Care Facility (Asilo de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul).
April 14, 2015
The Board voted unanimously to donate funds to the following two charities:
- Subasta
- FANLAP's rice, beans & oil program
More specifically:
- 2,500 pesos to Subasta. This donation is given to Subasta annually. This year we are donating before the end of the winter cruising season so that the funds may be used during the summer to organize and promote the December 6, 2015 Subasta.
- 2,500 pesos to FANLAP to help defray the cost of the rice, beans & oil for their breakfast and lunch program. During the cruising season the fleet is asked to purchase extra rice, beans, and oil while at the store and drop them off at Mary Schroyer's office in Marina de La Paz or at Tex Mex Services in Marina Palmira. During the summer months this program suffers without those donations.
March 13, 2015
The Board of Directors voted unanimously to donate funds to the following three charities:
- Care for Kids
- Horse Therapy for Special Needs Kids
- Elder Care Facility
Specifically the donations are as follows:
- $2500 pesos to Barbara Spencer’s foundation, Care for Kids La Paz. This is a newer focus to purchase materials for building (and rebuilding homes after Hurricane Odile) in the Vista Hermosa neighborhood. These funds will be used for building materials for 6 families new to the area that currently have no shelter and are trying to build shacks.
- $2500 pesos to Ninos Ariba for the new program to incorporate a proven practice of using horses as a physical, mental, and emotional therapy for children with corresponding disabilities. Included in the program will be children with physical and/or mental impairments, children from orphanages, and children from abusive homes. These funds will build stalls for two horses.
- $2000 pesos to be used to purchase adult diapers for the Elder Care Facility.
2022-2023 Charity Fund Distributions
2016-2022 Charity Fund Distributions
2015-2016 Charity Fund Distributions
Your donations to the Club Cruceros Charities Fund help to keep programs such as these possible.