Charity Fund Distribution
In their April 12, 2016 meeting the Board of Directors voted to support the three school children again next year by paying their tuition, buying their books and their uniforms.
March 8, 2016
Over 3,000 pesos worth of adult size Depends and lactose intolerant milk were delivered by the Club Cruceros charity committee to the Elder Care Facility (Asilo de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul).

A Cupcake Christmas
Working with the Peacemakers Quilt Club, Club Cruceros helped to fund an early Christmas event in the neighborhood of Vista Hermosa which is full of refugees from mainland Mexico as well as points South.
The original scope of the party was to help 40 children, however, that number soon more than doubled.
The children received 50 soccer balls for the boys and 50 baby dolls for the girls. Lunch was provided for the 100 children and their mothers including hot dogs with all the trimmings, chips, homemade cupcakes, and juice. Games of duck duck goose, water balloon toss and a sack race were played. There were even two piñatas. Everyone had a great time. The smiles were infectious! Click here to see more photos of the event.
A Happy Christmas for 83 Children
Club Cruceros provided funds to assist in the aid of families in a particularly needy La Paz neighborhood known by Martíne (an employee of Marina de la Paz). At first it was thought that there were 18 children in need of Christmas cheer. In the end, there were 83 children who each received bags of toys and candy. In addition Club Cruceros members and the La Paz fleet sponsored individual children with much needed Christmas gifts. Some cruisers gave cash donations for this event.
Three Families Christmas Baskets
Club Cruceros Charity fund came through once again for three needy families. For Christmas, the families of the three school children (read the report below) were given baskets filled with staples like rice, beans and flour, and also chorizo, chicken, fruits, vegetables and holiday treats.
Three Worthy Students
This report from Sandy Elterich, Club Cruceros Treasurer:
I had a meeting with Martine (an employee of Marina de La Paz). He told me he is a pastor and has been working with the families in this poor area, (out past the Colonia). He teaches classes at a center where he tries to improve family life and help families stay together. The three children he recommended are from three different families. Martine felt that these three students were worthy of our assistance in keeping them in school. All three mothers seem to think that their children's education is extremely important. All the students will be suppling their report card to us. They all understand that they must maintain an above average grade point and attend school regularly.
Cinthia is 11 in her first year of secondary
- Tuition. 300.00
- Uniforms. 752.11 (Still need to buy pants not currently in stock)
- Back pack. 370.47
- Tennis shoes. 399.00
- School supplies. 575.80
- Total. $2,397.38 Pesos or $145.30 US
José is 11 in his first year of secondary
- Tuition. 300.00
- Uniforms. 1,056.79
- Back pack. 370.47
- Tennis shoes. 359.00
- School supplies. 575.80
- Total. $2,662.06 Pesos or $161.34 US
Mitzi is 10 in her last year of premeria
- Tuition. 100.00
- Uniforms. 701.42 (Still need to buy pants not currently in stock)
- Back pack. 370.47
- Tennis shoes. 314.00
- School supplies. 575.80
- Total. $2,061.69 Pesos or $124.95 US
As you can see we kept the cost well under the $3,000 pesos or $200 US for each student. I used a 16.50 conversion rate. The Baja California Sur paper store (the purple store) even gave us an additional discount over and above the 20% the items were already discounted, an additional $496.44 pesos.
This is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I took Joy, of Happy Nest, with me. Joy speaks very good Spanish and was a great help. I believe she had the same reaction as I did. We spent 3 hours with the moms Ruby, Anna, and Angelina, and their students. They were all so very grateful for everything. This morning we met with the moms to pay the tuition. This afternoon we met and purchased the back packs and tennis shoes. They all were in school this morning.
Thanks for such a wonderful experience,
2022-2023 Charity Fund Distributions
2016-2022 Charity Fund Distributions
2014-2015 Charity Fund Distributions
Your donations to the Club Cruceros Charities Fund help to keep programs such as these possible.